
We value the contributions of all of our partners and are proud to work with them to further clean energy initiatives. Below is a collection of some of our recent work.

The Tilley Solar Project

Empowering Meaningful First Nation Participation and Leadership in Renewable Energy Development 

On April 10, 2024, we announced that we financially closed on the Tilley Solar Project. A partnership between Alexander First Nation, Concord Green Energy and First Nation Power Development (FNpower). This collaborative project had been in planning for over two years and all stakeholders celebrated this proud moment. 
How this project came to be:
Two years ago, FNpower was approached by Alexander Business Centre (ABC) to discuss an idea that would demonstrate a First Nation-led initiative for actively driving participation and leadership and aiding in diversifying the renewable energy industry. FNpower was inspired by this idea and went to work building a framework to finance this initiative. Working with the Canada Infrastructure Bank and aligning with a strong partner in Concord Green Energy, FNpower was able to get the funding needed to move the initiative forward. 
The Tilley Solar project is a large-scale energy project and will include: 
– 23.6-megawatt solar farm
– Comprised of 69,450 fixed-tilt solar photovoltaic panels
– Will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Alberta by approximately 14,200 tonnes annually

Official Announcement

Pictured from left to right: Firman Latimer, Chief George Arcand Jr, Hillary Thatcher, Ian Arcand, Terry Hui
In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it will have a positive economic impact in the region, creating more than 150 full-time jobs at its peak and new opportunities for the community, which has spent almost two years training its labour force in the set-up and installation of solar panel infrastructure. 

Project Update:

As we work towards our November completion date, we are excited to share the following project updates:
– More than 80% of solar panel racks are installed
– Solar panel installation is 70% complete
– Main AC cable trenching is underway
More to come!
Proudly in partnership with:
Alexander Business Centre
Special thank you to:

Alexander Business Centre Solar Park

Developing commercial business parks with net-zero impact 
In 2023, we partnered with ABC to help secure grant financing to develop a behind-the-fence solar project. The heart of this project was based on creating a commercial business park that would be net-zero, balancing business and job creation with low impact on the surrounding environment.  
Metsco Engineering was engaged to right-size the solar farm to the needs of the commercial park. The 7.15-acre solar farm is projected to generate approximately 1.056MW of power. 
We have taken a forward-thinking approach with this project by planning for present needs, but also anticipating future requirements. This includes researching grant funding options for Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations, as well as earmarking land for potential solar expansion or battery storage.  
More updates to come! 

Paul First Nation Solar Project

Helping First Nation communities move renewable energy projects across the finish line
Paul First Nation has been focused on moving a solar project through the regulatory phases to completion. FNpower was engaged for Project Management support to ensure the project made it through the final feasibility phases and Stage 2 of the AESO process. 
We have been working closely with Paul First Nation and the solar project is on track for completion for June 2026. 

AESO Long Term Adequacy Report – Feb 2024

The Robinson Huron Project

Helping Nations bring revenue-generating projects online
In 2022, FNpower collaborated with a Nation in the Robison-Huron Treaty region to help the community overcome a challenge. The Nation had resources that could generate revenue, but the opportunities were not being pursued due to a backlog of tasks. FNpower understood the nuanced challenges the Nation faced with resourcing and was invited to assist.  
Connecting with the Nation’s economic branch, the FNpower team investigated outstanding deliverables for the community. They reviewed vendor agreements to set more equitable terms for the Nation and worked to bring an important power source online. 
FNpower provided a fresh perspective and important industry knowledge that helped the Nation prioritize the low-hanging fruit that could lead to easy wins and set long-term plans to ensure future returns. The collaboration successfully revived projects that had fallen into the backlog and produced meaningful revenue (over $300,000) for the community. 
FNpower is honoured that the community put their trust in our team, and we are committed to supporting their journey to economic autonomy. 

Special thank you to: